Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dear man

The article continued:

'in five parts' will be the title, of the newest musical works to come out of the artist's studio this summer 09. It will attack the big questions of life, paint pictures of reality, and attempt to be a piece that crosses the borders of time and culture. When the publisher was asked for comments, she only remarked -"what's 42 got to do with it anyway?" The album's art is supposed to be currently designed by a small artist on the east coast, although some are saying this is a bad move for the piece, others are applauding her personal move to go small town local. Phyllis said "I want to throw my arm out to the little guy and give him a chance to shine"

Many dedicated fans are speculating this new release saying that they feel Phyllis sold out when she dropped her full name. Previously known as Phyllis Annette Jones, she thought the name was too much to share with the world, "What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet." Phyllis said in our last interview. The artists love for romance and literature never seems to fail her
, after her 2007 chart topping album 'Car Ride Serenade to Sleep' The critics cannot seem to get enough. Currently only touring the United States, after her last concert in San Fransisco, she announced that she would put her public life on hiatus until 'Five parts' was completed.

Her close friends have commented that she has found herself at a cross roads, "I realized that i needed to sing these words to everyone, i needed to let them know how i felt, and what i had learned, and where me and everyone i know and don't know are going. After writing my short novel ' Impossible Questions' i sorted out a lot of answers that i had been asking myself since my childhood. 'Five parts' is really my chance to express that with my musical composition" Phyllis said honestly at coffee last night. "i don't want this to be about the Rolling Stones or MTV, i just want it to be about you and me"

She seems to be pulling a lot of her friends in on this collective piece, the studio has mentioned seeing many an old familiar face visiting late night recording sessions. John Lisy of The Upper Forty studio sent us an email regarding the matter and shared "She seems to be pulling this all together this time, on her own, whatever old magazines and paparazzi have to say about where she's been needs to be dissregarded. Phyllis is going somewhere, and she has extended a hand to invite us all on her journey." It has been mentioned that her family and friends are always visiting the studio, but there has been no sign of her lover Gaston. Lisy said on the matter " There are no real worries on these kids front, they seem to be just as collected and positive as Phyliss' effort to release this album on time and without too much publicity" As she sinks out of the lime light for the last few weeks of crunch time, her fans are beccomming more and more interested, and the buzz is everywhere. The date is set for july 21st, lets keep our fingers crossed for another solid hit.

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